several things happened during these last days that made me think. some sad, some rewarding, some happy.
when i start posting comments at the dailyfix, lewis green was from the very first moment ome of my favourite contributor. sharp and straight on the concept with a strong sense of the business ethic. i commented on dailyfix and on his own blog. during the week end his mum died. 91 years old: not bad. but what i found really touching was how he described his relation with her. straight on the concept:
And as her only son, I remember rages and beatings and personal attacks. It was the only way she knew to teach me values. It took me 30 years to get over the pain, but the values stuck.
In these words you read only the love that a son can conceive for his mother.
the sadness in his words remind me of a blues song.
god bless your mum, lewis. i've entered into second life. i wrote something about it, few weeks ago. not necessarily favourable to it. but if i want to understand it and make my mind about, damn it, i have to try sl.
there are good friends already in, ck, tim jackson, maybe other than i still do not know. the first half an hour was pure fun: try make a yourself in the virtual world. well mine virtual myself is definitely not resembling the real myself: too hairs, beautiful nose, etc.
but on january 11, there is a call for a seminar on dailyfix about sl.
yes, i know that this will help me in getting a clear idea of what sl is and how it can contribute to my business and to the business of my clients.
and last, ann handley in a today post does mention me.
this is a real reward. i start this blog few weeks ago, sometimes is good and sometimes sucks. it remind me of how the virtual myself ( Gianandrea Ra ) stroll in sl: to make it through a door i walk against the wall at least three or four times.
i'm on my way learning a lot from experienced marketers from around the world and hope this will reflect sooner or later from my blog.
thanks ann.